The Walking Dead Game Mac Yosemite

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  2. The Walking Dead Game Mac Yosemite Download
  3. The Walking Dead Game Mac Yosemite 2017

Get The Latest News on The Walking Dead (TWD) Games! TWD Video & Board Games from Skybound. DOWNLOAD NOW The Walking Dead Final Season Mac OS X. The series published by Telltale game appear to have come to an end The Walking Dead Final Season Mac OS X is expecting to clarify the Clementine’s action and life. This new game has four episodes and at the moment we publish this article only the first one is released.

Hello!This is my very first published story, I hope its not that bad...

Some of the dialogue and character behaviour may be changed to tell the story completely from the OC's point of view.

It follows the series' original plot, but its not exactly the same!

If Something was missing in the story let me know in the reviews.

If you like it, review more!

There may be some grammar mistakes, I promise I'll fix it later.

In case you need more description about the environment I'll add it, or let you know where I got the idea from.

Let me know what you think!

I own nothing. No like no read.


The world has gone to shit. I know, I'm a girl and I shouldn't talk like that. But who cares?

We found Merle a few weeks ago. I was really happy to see him.

He ended up in jail for... You know.. Meth business...

Anyway, dad died when the dead started walking. Uncle Jess too. One of those things bit him so Daryl had to finish him up.

He was just our half-uncle but he was nice to me. I felt bad when they told me.

My brothers are fighting again. It's dark. They are standing next to the fireplace. I am sitting in the other side.

We found a camp nearby and Merle is planning to rob them.

We just have one tent so I sleep with one of my brothers every night. I miss my own room and privacy but fuck that shit! Welcome to the new age!

I am bored. And tired.

'Will you two ever stop fighting? You started this discussion yesterday, shut up already' Both look at me. They seem surprised.

'Young lady finally talks! Princess has been quiet since...' Merle thinks for a moment '...three days ago?'

'Actually, I talked to Daryl this morning. He told me you are planning to rob that camp.' Daryl keeps quiet.

'It's brilliant, huh!' Is he feeling proud of this?

'It's stupid!'

'Oh come on, Mac! Think a little.'

'No, Merle! You think a little. Give them a chance!' I feel annoyed

Daryl finally says 'We need to survive somehow, and if this is the way to so, we are going to do it .'

'What?!' What the fuck? They will end up getting us killed!

'Listen. We know this ain't paradise for you, Mac. But... ' I interrupt him

'No, fuck you! You don't know shit!' I stand up.

'Fine! Then what do you want us to do?!'

'You asking her now, baby brother?!'

'Do whatever the fuck you want then!' I think Daryl feels confused now. He knows Merle's idea is wrong but he'll do what Merle says. He always does.

'You need to accept that's a stupid idea!' I say to them

'Tell me why we need to give them a fucking chance! You need to understand this is survival!'

'Exactly! Shut up and think! Jeez, those drugs ain't helping!' Daryl is quiet again. He stares at me. 'You said this is about survival, right? Safety in numbers and shit! They have guns, ammo...'

'They have a cop!'

'A cop that may be useful! We fucking need a group!'

Merle looks really angry by now. He's about to say something else when Daryl stops him.

'Come on, Merle. She's right, we should give them a chance.' Merle looks at Daryl for a moment. Is he thinking about it? 'Whatever!' He says 'but they fuck up, I take their shit and go.'


'Come on.'Daryl points his finger at me 'You're going hunting with me tomorrow' Daryl goes inside the tent. I follow him

'You better don't fuck things up, Mac!' I hear Merle saying

'Whatever.' I say and lay next to Daryl.

Daryl and I are back from our hunting trip.

We got nothing. No squirrel for today.

'That's a new record!' Merle jokes 'I've never seen so many squirrels in my life! Nice job Darlina, Mac is learning fast!'

'Fuck you, Merle.' I whisper

'We'll get some next time.' Daryl is not the patient one, but when it comes to hunting he takes all the time needed to teach me. I like that.

Daryl says I shouldnt be rude to Merle. Maybe he's right, Merle has always been my favourite, plus, he's the one who has always taken care of me. At least when he was home, Daryl sometimes acts like I'm not there.

We pack our stuff and get near the camp we saw two days ago.

Everyone comes around us. The cop talks to us, he has a shotgun.

We let Merle do the talking. Daryl stands besides him in case he needs to say something while I stand a few steps behind them in case we fuck up. Theres nothing for me to say anyway, is it?

'What are your names again?'

'Name's Merle Dixon. This is my baby brother, Daryl.' He points at Daryl and then back to where I am 'That's Princess Dixon. Mac'

'Agent Shane Walsh.' He says 'no time for telling you everybody's names, but you'll get them. We have a place for one more tent in the back of the camp over there. I don't know if that's enough for you and your daughter.' He points at the place.

'We're siblings.' Daryl talks for the first time.

Shane says 'Feel free to unpack your stuff, then.' He walks away.

We've been here for a week now. My brothers help with some things in the camp.

Daryl tries to get used to the new people. I know it's hard for him to have others around and not being grumpy.

Merle doesn't seem to care. Merle is just... Merle. I am surprised he even helps.

I am just too shy to talk to anyone. I can kick my siblings in the ass and tell them to go fuck themselves if I want to but I can't talk to others. I prefer to stick to Merle, or going hunting with Daryl.

Some of the group members are talking with Shane. I recognise some of them.

Glenn, Andrea, a black guy... I think his name has to do with a dog, My brothers, and I don't know the other names.

I better give them some space.

I don't know what to do so I just walk away from them to go in our tent when I hear a soft voice calling me.

'Mac?' It's Lori. Shane's... Girlfriend? I know he's not Carl's father, but I've seen them together.

'Yeah?' I walk in her direction and stop just in front of her.

'I like your name. I've never heard of anyone named Mac.'

'Thank you.'

'Why are you always with your brothers and never talk to anyone else?' she talks softly. I like that.

'I don't know.'

'How old are you, sweetie?'


'Carl and Sophia are twelve. I understand if you don't want to play with them, but you could hang around Amy and Andrea. Have some fun with them. Make friends. Maybe even talk to Carol and me. '

'I know. I'm sorry. I just don't know how to do that. I've never had any friends...' I feel ashamed of it but its the truth. I don't know why I feel like I can't lie to her.

'You don't have to be sorry about it'she's really nice to me. I like Carl's mom. 'How come you've never had any friends?'

'Well... I'm just not used to be around a lot of people. Just Merle, Daryl, and some of their friends'

'You just need some time then.' Lori smiles softly 'Take your time and talk to them when you're ready, ok?' I nod 'promise me you'll talk to them'

'I promise.' She smiles again. I smile back. I can hear Merle calling me. 'I should go now.'

'If you need anything just tell me, alright?'

'Alright. Thanks Lori.' I walk away

Merle and Daryl walk next to our tent and I follow. Daryl sits there to clean his crossbow.

'What are you doing near bitch queen?' Merle asks

'She said I should be around others more often.' Daryl smirks and Merle keeps going

'And you want that, princess?'

'I don't know, looks fun. But they are so different.'

'Of course you ain't like them! Look at them!' We turn to some of the group people. 'whats the difference between you and them?'

'They have normal families?' Merle sighs and Daryl laughs softly

'No, not that. What else?'

'Hell, I don't know. They had friends before all this shit happened? Maybe a fancy home and a perfect childhood? This doesn't make any sense, Merle. Fucking tell me what you mean!'

'That's what he's trying to say' says Daryl. I look at him. 'They come from a different environment. They're weak.'

'Maybe.' He's right. They don't know nothing.

I look at Merle. 'Fucking kids ain't smart enough to kill a walker. You sure you want to hang with a bunch of pussies?'

'I'm sure that's what I'm supposed to be doing. That's what people do. Besides I'm just a kid, remember?'

'You may be a kid physically. But you're more intelligent and mature than Merle' Daryl stands and puts his crossbow inside the tent. 'You can do what you want, Mac. Don't listen to him. He's a dumb ape.'

'Ok.' I look down for a second.

Daryl goes inside the tent. Is he going to hunt tomorrow? He never goes to sleep this early unless he's going hunting.

'Merle?' He growls as an answer. 'Can I ask you something?'

'You already did.' He laughs at me. Yup, that's Merle Dixon.

'Ha. Ha.'

'Go on then. Ask.'

'Were you going to tell me something important?' Merle looks at me with a serious expression.

'I'm going back to Atlanta tomorrow morning.' What?! I am shocked. Why would he want to go back?!


'You'll go hunting with Darlina. You wont even notice I was gone.'

'Fucking bullshit! I don't want to go hunting!'

'Language, Princess! Daryl and I Decided that you ain't staying here with these bunch of pussies. We dont want you to get too used to them.'

'Alright. anything else?'

'Nothing you should know about'

'I don't want you to go'

'Sorry no can do baby girl.'

'But Atlanta's full of those things!'

'Nothing will happen to good ol' Merle. Why? Tell me why. You already know the answer.' I sigh.

'Nothing kills Merle but Merle.'

'That's right. Now go inside the tent before I lose my patience.'

'Merle?' he grunts as a response. 'Be careful'

'Night kiddo'

I turn and go inside the tent with Daryl without a word.

He's laying with his back facing me. I know he's awake but avoiding any kind of conversation. He heard everything we said.

I lay next to him just like every night and close my eyes.

We've been walking for a few hours so the camp is far away from us. That means Daryl planning to get something big.

I like that idea. To be honest I like hunting with Daryl.

I like to piss him off sometimes.

'Lets see...' He mumbles 'what's an important thing to do when hunting'

'Knowing how to track'

'And what are you looking for when you're tracking?'

'An animal' i answer laughing. Like I said I like to piss him off.

He turns and looks at me with an annoyed look in his eyes. I find it amusing.

'This isn't a game, Mac'

'I know. I was just kidding.'

'Then answer'

I try to remember what he said last time. 'umm... Footprints?'

'You asking or telling me?'

'Telling you.'

'Alright, Footprints. Those are important and you ain't getting nowhere if you can't identify them.'

'How so?' I follow him. I'm looking down following his footprints carefully.

'You need to know what you're tracking. Otherwise you may follow more than one animal at a time and that way you won't get a thing.'

'Makes sense' he suddenly stops, I wasn't expecting that. He raises his index finger to his lips telling me to keep quiet.

'Don't concentrate fully on the footprints. You can't completely look down ignoring the environment.' He whispers. I nod. 'Look around you. Pay attention to your surroundings'


'Look and listen carefully. Anything important right now?'

I try to listen to everything without moving. I hear a lot of birds and..

'Theres a squirrel a few trees behind me, right?' I whisper. Daryl takes his crossbow quickly and shoots. I turn around to see the dead squirrel pinned to the tree by the arrow. I smile and look at him

'Now go get it' I do as he says and go back to him. He ties the animal with the other two he caught earlier. He turns and keeps walking. 'Lets go'

We keep walking and looking for something big to hunt.

We only see squirrels. At the end of the day we have a lot of those.

Its dark now. We build a campfire to rest.

Daryl skins two of the squirrels and puts them on the fire to cook them.

'We need to find more of these.'

'Yes sir.'

After a while he takes the squirrels and gives one to me. We eat slow and quietly for a while until were almost done eating.

'Daryl.' He looks at me 'do you think Merle's back yet?'

'He should be. Why?'

'Just asking.'

'Merle's a tough son of a bitch. Nothing will happen to him.'

'I know that.' I'm finishing eating my squirrel. Daryl already finished his

'Then what is it?'

'I am just worried. I would be if you were in Atlanta and Merle was here with me.'

'Merle should be in the camp by now. Don't worry about him.' I nod and finish eating.

'Do you want me to keep watch after you?' I ask

'Nah, Get some rest. You did a good job today.'


'I'll call you if I need something.'

'Ok.' I like how my brother forgets his grumpiness when we're out hunting. He even jokes and laughs sometimes. I walk to to the other side of the little camp to rest a little.

In my dreams I hear dry leaves cracking.

I open my eyes quickly and sit. 'You heard that?' I whisper

'Uh-huh' Daryl is standing near me with his crossbow ready.

The sun is just starting to rise so its not so dark anymore. Theres nothing left of the fire but ashes.

I stand and take the hunting rifle near Daryl's stuff. We are quiet and ready to shoot at anything that may be dangerous when we see a deer jumping out and running away from us. Daryl shoots. The arrow lands on the deer's back

'What the hell was that?!' I am confused. I've never seen anything like that.

'Hello breakfast.' He says taking the remaining squirrels from yesterday.


'Lets lead that son of a bitch near the camp'

'Alright.' We start walking and following the footprints in the dirt. I can't really see them and lose track many times but Daryl keeps going.

We see the deer and walk towards it as quiet as possible. The sun is starting to heat the woods a lot and its not even midday yet.

The deer stopped running and is eating some kind of plant. Daryl shoots and the arrow lands on its side. The deer runs.

We run towards it again until we find it.

'Here' he gives me his crossbow. 'Shoot'

'But I don't know how to...'

'Just aim carefully.' I do as he says. 'Try not to move too much. Arrows are lighter than bullets so wind moves them easily. You have one chance.' Damn this thing is heavy

I breathe in and out slowly and deeply and nod slightly and I pull the trigger.

The arrow flies and lands on the deer's upper leg near its butt.

'This thing is heavy as shit' I say giving the crossbow back to its owner. He smiles.

'You literally shoved an arrow up its ass! you should be proud of yourself!' He looks happy with the results. 'Come on. We're near camp. We need to kill that motherfucker.'

We keep going

There are voices around. We're incredibly close to the camp but we haven't seen the deer again.

The footprints lead us to the voices. Maybe it ran into camp. Daryl walks behind me. He wants me to track the deer.

He steps on a dry stick and it breaks. The voices stop. I keep walking, climb a rock and exit the woods just to see the deer on the floor next to a walker and Shane pointing a shotgun at me. The walker is headless and the deer's neck is open and half eaten. I walk towards it ignoring the people lowering their weapons.

'Oh, come on!' I feel frustrated

'Son of a bitch! That's my deer! Look at it!' I hear Daryl say. 'All gnawed on by this Filthy, disease-bearing, motherless poxy bastard!' He walks past me and kicks the walker with each word.

'Calm down, son That's not helping.' Dale says

'What do you know about it, old man? Why don't you take that stupid hat and go back to On Golden Pond? We've been tracking this deer for miles! Gonna drag it back to camp, cook us up some venison.' I sigh. Daryl looks at me.

'What do you think? Do you think we can cut around this chewed up part right here?'

Before I can answer Shane says 'I would not risk that.'

Daryl sighs 'That's a damn shame.'

'We got some squirrel' I tell them

'Yeah. about a dozen or so. That'll have to do.'

I nod at my brothers words and start walking to the camp when the walker's head tries to bite my foot. I gasp and jump back. Amy and Andrea feel disgusted and walk away.

'Come on people, what the hell? It's gotta be the brain. Don't y'all know nothing?' Daryl shoots the head and puts an arm around my shoulders 'Come on, lets look for the ugly ass ape' we walk to the camp with the others following us.

Daryl removes his arm and I walk besides him.

'Merle!' I call my older brother hoping to see him come out joking and annoying others as always. No reply.

'Merle! Get your ugly ass out here! I got us some squirrel! Let's stew 'em up.' Daryl tries. No reply.

Shane runs to us 'Daryl, just slow up a bit. I need to talk to you.'

'About what?' I'm starting to panic. Where's Merle? Daryl and Shane look at each other in a way that makes me feel uneasy.

'About Merle.' Shane looks at me and back to Daryl 'There was a. There was a problem in Atlanta.'

'He dead?'

'We're not sure.'

'He either is or he ain't!'

I have no idea on what to do. They will fight. I know it.

A guy comes from behind Shane. Who is he? He says 'No easy way to say this, so I'll just say it.'

'Who are you?' I ask

'Rick Grimes.'

'Rick Grimes?' Daryl looks like he's about to explode. 'you got something you want to tell us?'

'Your brother was a danger to us all, so I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked him to a piece of metal. He's still there.'

'What?!' What the fuck is wrong with this guy?!

'Hold on. Let me process this.' Daryl turns and walks a bit. Then he comes back letting his anger out. 'You're saying you handcuffed my brother to a roof. And you left him there?!'

The Walking Dead Game Mac Yosemite Download


As I expected Daryl exploded. He throws the squirrels in Rick's direction and tries to tackle and beat him. Shane comes and tackles him first

'Hey!' Someone shouts.

The Walking Dead Game Mac Yosemite Download

'Watch the knife!' I hear T-dog and see Daryl trying to stab Rick.

Shane grabs him and he grunts 'Okay.' He says

'You'd best let me go!'

'Nah, I think it's better if I don't.' Shane replies softly.

'I think it is' I find myself pointing his own shotgun at his head. What the fucking fuck?!

I hear some of the people gasp.

I feel my heart beating fast. Im actually kind of scared.

'Put the shotgun down' Rick takes his own gun aiming it to my head.

'Rick!' I hear Lori's voice while I keep watching Shane

I try to be calm. I know he wont shoot. I know they will let Daryl go.


'You better not shoot asshole!' Daryl shouts.

'Put the shotgun down!' Rick repeats and Lori comes to his side

'Rick please' she tells him 'Dont do this.'

Rick looks at her

'She's just a kid, Rick. I got it.'

Rick walks in front of Daryl with his gun still up to me, but looks at my brother

Lori walks to me. 'Mac, you have to put the shotgun down'

'Choke hold's illegal.' Daryl tells Shane.

'You can file a complaint.' He answers.

Daryl grunts

Lori tries again. 'Listen. I know you're angry for all this. But you have to trust me and put that shotgun down. He won't let go of him until you do' I look at Daryl. he looks back at me.

'I'd like to have a calm discussion on this topic. Do you think we can manage that?' Rick asks my brother. Daryl keeps staring at me. 'Do you think we can manage that?'

He nods slightly. 'Yeah.'

I put the shotgun down and Lori takes it. Rick lowers his gun and Shane lets Daryl go.

He breathes a few times and stands up.

'Your brother does not work and play well with others.' Lori and I walk next to the RV. I sit on the entrance and bury my face on my knees with my arms wrapped around them.

'It's not Rick's fault.' T-dog says 'I had the key. I dropped it.

'You couldn't pick it up?' I ask him

'Well, I dropped it in a drain.'

'If it's supposed to make me feel better, it don't.' Daryl walks a few steps

'Well, maybe this will. Look, I chained the door to the roof So the geeks couldn't get at him - With a padlock.

'It's gotta count for something.' Rick says

'To Hell with all of you! Just tell me where he is so's I can go get him.'

'He'll show you. Isn't that right?' Lori says.

I lift my head.

I'm sitting next to Daryl. He says I need to stay here and he'll go get Merle.


I do not like the idea but theres not much I can do about it.

He says I need to stay near Carol and let Shane and Lori take care of their business. I know that. Looks like Rick and Shane have a lot to talk about with Lori.

We hear them come walking. Shane doesn't seem to like the idea of Rick going back to get Merle. Bullshit.

'I'm going back.' Rick says and Shane sighs

'So that's it, huh? You're just gonna walk off? Just to hell with everybody else?

' I'm not saying to hell with anybody Not you, Shane; Lori least of all.'rick turns and looks at him.

'Tell her that.'

'She knows.'

'Well, look, I don't, okay, Rick?' Shane looks desperate.

He needs a new girlfriend. ASAP...

'So could you just. Could you throw me a bone here, man? Could you just tell me why? Why would you risk your life for a douche bag like Merle Dixon?

'Hey!' I say

'Choose your words more carefully.' Daryl warns Shane

'No, I did.' He says 'Douche bag's what I meant.' I roll my eyes and keep playing with my unloaded gun 'Merle Dixon. The guy wouldn't give you a glass of water - if you were dying of thirst.'

'What he would or wouldn't do doesn't interest me. I can't let a man die of thirst and exposure.' I'm starting to like this Rick guy. 'We left him like an animal caught in a trap. That's no way for anything to die, let alone a human being.'

'So you and Daryl, that's your big plan?' Rick looks at Glenn

'Oh, come on!' Glenn tries to protest but Rick says.

'You know the way. You've been there before In and out, no problem. You said so yourself. It's not fair of me to ask I know that, but I'd feel a lot better with you along. I know she would too.' We look at Lori.

'That's just great.' I say.

'Now you're gonna risk three men, huh?' Shane looks more pissed now

'Four.' T-dog says

Daryl huffs and looks at me 'My day just gets better and better, don't it?'

I bite my lip nervously.

'You see anybody else here stepping up to save your brother's cracker ass?'

I smile and Daryl talks 'Why you?'

'You wouldn't even begin to understand. You don't speak my language.'

'Maybe Mac here does.' He keeps working on his crossbow.

'That's four.' Rick says looking at Shane

'It's not just four. You're putting every single one of us at risk. Just know that, Rick.' Rick nods. 'Come on, you saw that walker. It was here. It was in camp. They're moving out of the cities. They come back, we need every able body we've got. We need 'em here. We need 'em to protect the camp.'

'It seems to me what you really need most here - are more guns.' I am tired of listening. I stand and walk to our tent.

When Daryl finishes cleaning his crossbow he comes in. He says he'll bring Merle back and that he needs me to stay out of trouble. I will try.

'Every time you say that, something bad happens to me.' I say with a worried look in my eyes.

'Not this time.' He says walking out. 'You behave, ok?'

He nods and I nod back.

He walks out of the tent and a few seconds later I hear him shout 'Come on, let's go!' Then the truck is gone.

I'm alone in the tent laying on my sleeping bag. I'm looking up staring at nothing. I'm thinking so many things at once. I don't even know what I'm thinking.

I hear someone coming and look at the shadow walking towards the entrance. Is it a walker? I stand and take a knife from Daryl's sleeping bag.

Carol stops just outside the entrance. She sees the knife and looks confused.

'Everything ok?' She speaks softly

'Y-Yeah. I just... I thought you were a walker.' I put the knife down. 'Come in'

She steps in seeming a little nervous. 'You are a little too violent for a fifteen year old.'

'We've been through a lot. I'm sorry'

'I know. Theres no need to apologise. I think I know what you mean.'

'You do?' I am now curious. She really does? How?

'Pretty much, yeah. Sophia and I have been through a lot too.'

'It's cool to have someone who understands near you.' I say. She smiles 'So.. Do you need anything? Daryl said I should stay around you'

'Oh yeah. I was thinking that maybe you could come with us to wash some clothes. You don't have to wash anything but maybe it'll distract your mind from what happened to your brother.' I look down for a bit. I feel like shit. I want Merle and Daryl back.

'Yeah. Its just us.'

'I'm sorry I didn't mean to...'

'No. Its ok. You're right. Maybe I just need to think of something else'

'Laundry always helps me and maybe it'll help you too.'

I look at her. I think I can trust this woman. For some reason I feel like she really understands.

I smile and think of it a little bit. 'Ok'

Carol smiles back. 'We should go now. Ed hates when I make him wait'

I follow Carol quietly until I remember Sophia.

'Sophia ain't coming?' I ask while we walk down the hill

'No. Let her have fun. The last few weeks have been hard for us. Specially her'

I nod. 'Yeah. Craziest two months of my life.'

When we go down the hill I see Shane and Carl trying to catch frogs. I approach them and tell Carol I'll catch up with her. She walks to where the other women are.

'Shane. Hi Carl.'

'Hi, Mac! Wanna catch frogs with us?' Carl looks like he's enjoying. Gross.

'No. Just came here to apologise for almost killing Shane with his own shotgun' I look at the older man.

Shane laughs 'Am I hearing right? A Dixon apologising?' I look at him unamused. 'Yeah. Sorry. Umm...'he clears his throat 'Sorry for choking your brother. Its good that you guys protect each other.'

'Blood is blood, right? That's all we have left.'

'If you say so...' He scratches his head. 'Now if you excuse me, we're in the middle of something'

'Oh yeah. Don't mind me. Keep going. I'll just hang with the other ladies back there'

Telltale games

'Good luck!' Carl says as I walk away.

I walk past Ed and make sure to give him a disgusting look which he returns. He reminds me of my dear old man and his, oh so lovely, insults.

I join the others and the first to talk is Andrea. 'Look who decided to join us! Dixon-girl herself!'

I sit next to them a little annoyed by the fact that everybody is surprised to see me around them. 'Why is everybody surprised when I walk near you? Its not like I'm queen Elizabeth second.'

'Oh you DO talk! I thought you Dixon guys could only kill things.' They laugh. I just look at them.

'You may not be Queen Elizabeth second. But you sure have a strong character.' A black skinned woman says. I think her name is Jacqui but I'm not so sure.

'Well.' Amy says 'She sure is good at killing stuff! I bet she can kill you with just a stare!'

'What do you mean?' Carol asks

'Yeah!' Andrea continues 'you saw how she stared at Ed when she walked past him? You'd sure have balls of steel if you were a man.'

'Ok. That's enough.' Jacqui says 'Carol just managed to get her out of that tent. Don't make her go back. She barely talks, don't make her regret coming' I smile slightly

'Thanks umm..'

'Jacqui.' She confirms her name 'no problem sweetie. You and your brothers need time to get used to all this. No need to push you.'

'That's what Lori said.' We are quiet for a second. We hear Shane jumping and shouting like a little kid.

'They're coming, little man! Get 'em! Get that net in there and get 'em!' He says

'So.' Andrea talks again and looks at me'How come you and Merle Dixon are family?'

'Do I really have to explain how it works?' The others laugh

'Oh, I know how it works. Trust me.' I look at Shane again to hide my embarrassment. 'I mean. How old is Merle? You could be his Daughter.'

I sigh 'alright. If you insist. Merle is 50, Daryl is 35 and I'm 15.'

'Wow' Amy looks at me 'how old was you dad?'

'Will?' I think for a second 'Honestly I have no idea.. Never bothered to ask..It doesn't matter anymore, does it?'

We look at Shane again. He keeps playing with Carl. 'What have you got, bad boy? What do you got? What do you got?'

The others keep scrubbing while I lose myself in my thoughts watching the water.

One of them says 'I do miss my Maytag.' I don't know who it was. I am not paying attention

Another one says 'I miss my Benz, my sat nav.' I look at them trying who figure out who's talking. Who took me out of my thoughts.

Jacquisays 'I miss my coffeemaker with that dual-drip filter and built-in grinder, honey.'

Amy says 'My computer And texting. Dont you, Mac?'

'I never had that privilege' I mumble.


Andrea says 'I miss my vibrator.' I look at her surprised and turn red like a tomato

'Oh!' Jacqui laughs

'Oh my God!' says Amy. They laugh. I just smile. This is SO awkward. I've never had an open girl talk before.

They stop laughing.

After a little pause Carol says 'Me too.'

This time I laugh a little too. Its been a long time since last time I laughed. Everything seems cool until Ed comes.

'What's so funny?' He asks. Shit. I'm already tense. My mind gives me flashbacks of Will beating me.

'Just swapping war stories, Ed.' Andrea says. She seems relaxed.

'Yeah.' He mumbles and stands right behind me. I do not like this situation. I freeze

'Problem, Ed?' Andrea turns and faces him. Mistake. That makes them more angry.

'nothing that concerns you. And you ought to focus on your work. This ain't no comedy club.'

Ed keeps watching. I try to ignore it but can't stand it.

Andrea stands up and turns to him. 'Ed, tell you what You don't like how your laundry is done, you are welcome to pitch in and do it yourself.' The throws the wet clothes at him 'Here.' She says. Ed throws the clothes back

'Ain't my job, missy.'

'Andrea, don't.' Carol tries to stop her. I know how this kind of men work. This ain't going to end well.

'What is your job, Ed? Sitting on your ass smoking cigarettes?' Andrea says

'Well, it sure as hell ain't listening to some uppity smart-mouthed bitch. Tell you what Come on.' He shoots back and tries to take Carol away with him. 'Let's go!' Carol stands.

'I don't think she needs to go anywhere with you, Ed.' Andrea says stopping Carol.

'And I say it's none of your business. Come on now. You heard me.'

'Carol...' I say. I can't do much about it, also Daryl told me to stay out of trouble. Having to deal with Ed is something he doesn't need right now.

'Mac, please. It doesn't matter.' Andrea is still trying to hold her back.

'Hey!' Ed tells her 'don't think I won't knock you on your ass just 'cause you're some college-educated cooze, all right?' He looks at Carol with an intimidating look. 'Now you come on now or you gonna regret it later.'

'So she can show up with fresh bruises later, Ed?' Andrea. Why don't you shut up?! You're going to make it worse!

'Yeah, we've seen them.' Jacqui continues.

Ed laughs 'Stay out of this. Now come on! You know what? This ain't none of y'all's business. You don't want to keep prodding the bull here, okay? Now I am done talking. Come on!'

'No' Andrea says

I take Carol's hand 'Carol, you don't have to...' I tell her, but she mutters something barely understandable. I step back. I know Ed wont take much longer.

One millisecond later he slaps Carol.

'Get off her!' Andrea shouts. The others yell and get Carol away from him.

Shane comes and drags Ed pulling him away from us.

The others hold Carol while Shane beats Ed into a bloody pulp.

Part of me wants to help Carol but my body is frozen. Images of Merle beating the old man after he almost killed me are flashing constantly in my mind.

I can almost feel pain again. How my bones cracked with each kick. The look on Will's friend and how it changed when Daryl pulled him out of the house. The blood on Merle's hands and shirt from beating the old man.

It feels so real again.

I remember the looks on my brothers' faces when they entered the room. When Daryl knelt next to me before I passed out. Now that I think of it he looked scared too.

I am terrified right now but I don't even know why. This doesn't have anything to do with me.

Carol is begging Shane to stop.

I see how desperate she is. I feel bad for her so I start walking.

'Shane, stop' I tell him. He ignores me and keeps beating Ed.

Andrea calls him too but he wont listen. I remember that Merle didn't listen too until Daryl pulled him away from dad.

I approach Shane. I wrap my arms around him and pull slightly 'Shane, stop' He keeps going. I know I'm risking myself. He can just beat me but I need to get him away from Ed. 'stop! You're killing him!' I say louder as I pull him a little harder.

He stops. He point his index finger at the beaten man. 'You put your hands on your wife, your little girl or anybody else in this camp one more time, I will not stop next time.' Ed just moans 'Do you hear me?' Theres no answer. Shane looks really mad. 'Do you hear me?!' He asks again but this time loudly.

Ed Slurs 'Yes.'

'I'll beat you to death, Ed.' He stands. I stand besides him panting. the others let go of Carol. She runs to Ed's side and apologizes a few times. Why?

I look at Shane with a serious look on my eyes. He looks back at me. I've never seen him so angry.

He turns and walks away.

I look at Carol sobbing and then at the others.

Fuck this. I ain't staying here watching how Carol apologizes for something she didn't even do.

I follow Shane.

I walk back to camp and sit on the RV stairs.

The sun is on top of our heads. Birds are chirping somewhere around.

The weather is hot. Too hot for not looking some shade to sit under it.

I am paying attention to everything around me in case something else happens.

I see how they take Ed to his tent. Sophia looks confused. She stays close to Carol, who's still sobbing.

Andrea and Amy go back down to catch some fish. They take Dale's equipment with them.

Lori and Carl are doing something involving paper. I think she wants him to keep studying. Looks like he's doing homework.

Shane walks around the camp a few times. He keeps staring at Lori. I don't know if he's watching her or looking for walkers. I'm not sure what he's doing.

The latin people talk about their family in Birmingham. Maybe they're leaving.

Jacqui is sitting next to Lori. They're talking. I don't care what they're saying.

Dale comes down from the RV top. He sees me and walks towards me.

'Mac, right?'

'That's me...'

'Just wanted to ask you if you wanted something to eat.' Dale says. 'You haven't eaten anything since you got here this morning.'

'I'm not hungry.' I say looking away.

He looks at me for a second 'I saw you stopping Shane. You're a strong young lady.'

'What does that have to do with food?'

'Listen. You need to keep your strength, and to do that you need to eat. I know you're worried and everything, but I can assure you that Daryl will be back. If someone is surviving the apocalypse it's your brother.'

I stay quiet. It's been a hard day. A lot of things have happened in just one morning.

The Walking Dead Game Mac Yosemite 2017

I sigh and nod. Dale decides its best to leave me alone. 'Theres some water in the RV and some food if you need it'

I have nothing to say so I just thank him for playing cool.

'No problem' he says before walking away.

I go inside the RV.

I take a bottle of water. I go back outside and sit where I was watching others again. Shane comes and sits next to me still looking a bit upset.